发布时间:2017年05月17日 来源:尊龙凯时
德克萨斯州伍德兰德市—2017年5月9日—CB&I (纽约证券交易所交易代码:CBI)今天宣布Novolen® 技术聚丙烯中试装置启动,该装置是位于德克萨斯州帕萨迪纳市的世界级研发中心(R&D)的一个新部分。中试装置在新产品和催化剂的研发和商业化过程中将发挥关键的作用,使CB&I许可技术的研发和创新处于前沿位置。中试装置在测试CB&I实验室中研发的催化剂系统方面也将起到关键作用。
“该中试装置是对位于肯塔基州路易斯维尔聚丙烯催化剂工厂的持续补充投资,” CB&I总裁兼首席执行官Philip K. Asherman说,“它让我们CB&I能够进一步与客户合作开发新的专用料聚丙烯牌号,使CB&I能够更好的地服务于不断变化的聚丙烯市场。” 目前,CB&I Novolen聚丙烯技术在中国已经拥有近350万吨产能。其中,台塑宁波的45万吨聚丙烯装置能够生产全系列高端牌号。神华宁煤三期聚丙烯装置总产能达到160万吨,已经成功生产出均聚、无规和抗冲全范围产品。
CB&I (NYSE:CBI) 是一家在能源行业提供技术和基础设施建设的领先供应商,拥有超过125年的经验和全球40,000多名员工。CB&I在时时不懈地关注安全并保持高标准的同时为全球客户提供可靠的解决方案。欲了解更多信息, 请访问www.CBI.com
CB&I Announces Inauguration and Startup of Polypropylene Technology Pilot Plant
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – May 9, 2017 – CB&I (NYSE:CBI) today announced the inauguration of its Novolen® technology polypropylene pilot plant, a new section of its world class Research and Development (R&D) center in Pasadena, Texas. The pilot plant will play a key role in the development and commercialization of new products and catalysts, keeping CB&I on the cutting edge of R&D for licensed technology and innovation. The pilot plant will also play an essential role in testing catalyst systems developed in CB&I’s laboratories.
“This pilot plant is a complementary investment to our polypropylene catalyst production plant in Louisville, Kentucky,” said Philip K. Asherman, CB&I’s President and CEO. “It allows us to further partner with our customers to develop new specialty grade polypropylene and positions CB&I to best serve the changing market.”
About CB&I
CB&I (NYSE:CBI) is a leading provider of technology and infrastructure for the energy industry. With over 125 years of experience and the expertise of more than 40,000 employees, CB&I provides reliable solutions to our customers around the world while maintaining a relentless focus on safety and an uncompromising standard of quality. For more information, visit www.CBI.com.