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Brief Introduction of CIESC

发布时间:2021年03月25日 来源:尊龙凯时

Ⅰ. General Introduction

The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC), founded on April 23, 1922, is a national academic non-profit social organization, affiliated to the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST).


CIESC has been working on progress and development of chemical science and technology in China. By the end of 2020, 198 companies or entities and more than 30,000 individual registered as CIESC’s members. CIESC has 6 working committees and 37 professional committees. CIESC is the supervisor of 27 provincial chemical industry societies. CIESC 40th Council Board includes 184 councilors in which there are 60 executive councilors.


CIESC sponsors 4 academic journals: CIESC Journal, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (English) and Energy Storage Science and Technology.


CIESC has extensive contacts with international academic organizations, and has established bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation with more than 10 international organizations, such as the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ), German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA), The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE).

CIESC is one of the 9 members of the Executive Committee of World Chemical Engineering Council (WCEC) and one of the 13 full members of the Pacific Asian Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE). CIESC won the right to host 12th World Congress of Chemical Engineering and Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering 2025.


In order to promote domestic and international academic exchanges and development on chemical science and technology, and to support the growth of chemical science and technology talents, CIESC will continue to do great effort on academic exchanges, socialized public service, scientific popularization, think tank consultation, discipline construction, talent recommendation and international cooperation.


Ⅱ. CIESC Working Committees

Academic Working Committee

International Cooperation Working Committee

Continuing Education on Science Popularization Working Committee 

Organizational Working Committee

Editorial Working Committee

Engineering Ethics Education Committee


Ⅲ. CIESC Professional Committees

CIESC professional committees are established in accordance with the development needs of academic, research, application and production in chemical industry and related fields. The professional committees are under the leadership and management of CIESC without legal qualification. There are 37 professional committees by the end of 2020.


Agricultural Chemicals

Biochemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Fertilizer

Chemical Machinery

Chemical New Materials

Chemical Process Automation and Instrumentation

Chemical Process Intensification

Chemical Process Safety

Coal Chemical Engineering

Coatings & Finishing

Daily Chemical Products


Energy Storage Engineering

Environmental Protection

Filtration and Separation

Fine Chemical Engineering

Hydrocarbon Resources Processing and Utilization

Industrial Water Treatment

Information Technology Applications

Inorganic Acids, Bases and Salts

Ionic Liquids

Microwave Power Application in Chemical Industry and Engineering

Mixing and Agitation

Petrochemical Archives

Petrochemical Ecological Engineering

Petrochemical Engineering

Petrochemical Equipment Maintenance

Rare Earth Catalysis and Process

Rubber and Plastics Green Manufacturing

Rubber Institute

Simulation & Virtual Process Engineering

Specialty Chemicals Engineering

Sulfur, Phosphorus and Titanium Resource Chemicals

Supercritical Fluids

Thermochemistry and Engineering

Waterborne Technology Application


CIESC Secretariat Contact

The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC)

Add: 7F, Unit B, Huaxin Mansion, No.33 Anding Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, P.R.China

Tel: +86-10-6444 0548

Fax: +86-10-6441 1194  

Email: admin@hzdysc.com

Web:  www.hzdysc.com