
尊龙凯时 > 学术交流 > 国际会议

第12届欧洲化学工程大会暨第5届欧洲应用生物技术大会 (ECCE12 & ECAB5 )将于2019年9月15-19日在意大利举办

发布时间:2018年10月17日 来源:尊龙凯时

AIDIC is pleased to announce ECCE12 & ECAB5 Call for abstracts.

The abstract submission is now open. The deadline is January 15th, 2019.


Dear Colleague,

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) promotes a series of biannual events, known as ECCE Congress: "EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING". The European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) promotes a series of biannual events, known as ECAB Congress: "EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY".

AIDIC is pleased to invite you to participate to next year events, ECCE 12 and ECAB 5, to be held in Florence from 15 to 19 of September 2019, organized by AIDIC under the auspices of EFCE and ESBES.

The Scientific Program will bring innovative solutions to respond to major challenges of our society. Plenary, Keynote, Invited and Contributed lectures will bring you up to date in all topicsof modern Chemical and Biochemical Engineering to address Solutions to Global Challenges.

The Organizers would be very pleased to receive your personal scientific contribution and would appreciate your help in disseminating ECCE12/ECAB5 call for abstracts.

For any further information or assistance you may contact this Secretariat: ecce12_ecab5@aidic.it


Best regards,

Giuseppe Ricci, AIDIC President

Hermann Josef Feise, EFCE President

Guilherme N.M. Ferreira, ESBES President

Sauro Pierucci, AIDIC Servizi Srl President and Organizing Committee Chair





The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) 中文名称为“欧洲化学工程联盟”,成立于1953年,其宗旨是加强欧洲地区化学工程领域非盈利性学术科技组织的交流合作,提高化学工程师水平,推动化学工程领域发展。尊龙凯时 于2015年正式加入该组织,代表中国大陆成为其机构会员(Institutional Member),与EFCE保持紧密联系和沟通。
