
尊龙凯时 > 学术交流 > 国际会议


发布时间:2019年06月21日 来源:尊龙凯时

September 24-26, 2019    Nanning, Guangxi, China


The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC)


Chemistry and Chemical Industry Society of Guangxi

Pesticide Professional Committee of CIESC

Fertilizer Professional Committee of CIESC

Guangxi University for Nationalities


Guangxi Chemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Guangxi ASEAN Technology Transfer Center

Guangxi Science and Technology Advisory Center


“Technology and Development of Chemical Industry”

“Pesticide Magazine”

“Chemical Fertilizer Industry Journal”

“Pesticide Market News”

“Anhui Pesticide News”

“Modern Agrochemicals”

“Pesticide Express”


In order to promote academic exchanges, to showcase innovative achievements and transferable technologies on agrochemicals, as well as to create greater communication and win-win situation between China and ASEAN countries. The "China-ASEAN High-end Forum on Agrochemicals" would be held in Nanning,Guangxi from September 24 to 26, 2019 by CIESC, which is aiming for the promotion on business cooperation between national enterprises, as well as the promotion and application on agrochemical production technologies and products. Technical Innovation, Green Development would be the theme of the forum. Also an excellent opportunity for Academic exchanges, Innovative achievements showcases and Transferable technology negotiations would be provided for representatives at the forum.


Section 1: Place

Nanning Hotel

- Add: No.38 Minsheng Road, Nanning, Guangxi,China

- Tel: 86-0771-2103888


Section 2: Dates

September 24 to 26, 2019

- Register Date: September 24, 2019

- Conference Dates: September 25 to 26, 2019


Section 3: Chairmen and Thematic Reports


Wei HUA (Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Chemical Society)

ShangShun HUANG (President of Chemistry and Chemical Industry Society of Guangxi, Chairman of Guangxi Chemical Research Institute Co. Ltd)


Module 1: Thematic Reports

- Yinchu SHEN (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering)

- Research and Application of High-efficiency and Low-risk on small molecule pesticides. Baoan SONG (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Principal of Guizhou University)

- Plant protection bureau of Vietnam


Module 2: High-end Forum

- Status of Agro-Chemical Inputs in Cambodia. Sok Kunthy,

(Professor / Doctor / Vice-Principal, Royal Cambodian Agricultural University, Cambodia)

Sarawut Rungmekarat, (Professor, Kasetsart University, Thailand )

- The diseases of Myanmar rice and control severe disease of this by abiotic elicitor. Daw Bay Dar (Professor, University of Yangon, Myanmar)

- Analysis on the Import and Export Situation of Chinese Pesticides in ASEAN Countries. (Director, Pesticide Testing Center of MARA)

- Production Technology, Present Situation and Development Trend of Compound Fertilizer in China. Mingliang CHEN (Professor Level Senior Engineer, National Research Center on Production Technology and Equipment of Phosphate Compound Fertilizer)

- Discussion on Quality Efficiency and Transformation Development of Phosphorus Fertilizer Industry. Cuihong HOU (Professor, Zhengzhou University)

- The Development and Trend of Microelement Fertilizer. Lishu WU (Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University)

- Research Progress and Industrialization of Chinese Stability Fertilizer. Yuanliang SHI (Researcher, Institution of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

- Current Development Situation of Guangxi Forest Chemical Resources and its Application in Pesticides. Fuhou LEI (Professor, Guangxi University for Nationalities)

- Research and Development of Biomimetic Green Ryanodine Receptor Insecticides. Aiping LIU (Researcher / Deputy Chief Engineer, Henan Research Institute of Chemical Industries)

- Research on the Creation of Green New Fungicide. Song YANG (Professor, Guizhou University)

- Occurrence and Control of Citrus Pests and Diseases. Zhendong HUANG (Director, Zhejiang Citrus Research Institute)


Module 3: High-tech and New Product Exchange

- Efficacy of Insecticides in the Management of Diaphorina Citri and Panonychus Citri of Orange in Bacgiang Province, Nguyen Van Vien (Professor, Vietnam National University of Agriculture)

- Technological Development and Generalize Demonstration of Herbicides and Water-soluble Fertilizers for Myanmar. Maochun WEI (Senior Engineer / Deputy Director, Scientific Research Centre of Guangxi Chemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.)

- Discovery and Development of High-efficiency Acaricide. Yuquan SONG (Senior Manager, Shenyang Sinochem Agrochemicals R&D Co., Ltd.)

- Multifunctional Purification of Crude Gas and Fine Desulfurization Technology of Syngas. Qingjian ZHANG (Deputy General Manager, Haiso Technology Co., Ltd.)


...... General Assembly Reports are still being collected and updated, Please stay tuned!


Module 4: Image Display of Innovative Results

A New-tech display board (0.8m X 1.8m) would be there in order to elevate the effect of publicity of scientific and technological innovation in agrochemicals, as well as to create opportunities for cooperation. The display panels would uniformly made for free, and publicity materials (JPG or CDR format) should be sent to mail box: dmhxplt@163.com.


Section 4: Conference Fee

Free for foreign representatives.


Section 5: Call for Paper in Progress

The deadline for paper collection has been extended to August 31, 2019.

Submission Mail-box: dmhxplt@163.com (Please remark: Conference Paper).


Section 6: Registration

Return receipt should be sent by E-mail to the conference mail-box before September 5, 2019 in order for arrangement.

Tel: 86-0771-3331777

Fax: 86-0771-3331735

Contact: ShiYong HUANG 86-15994449095

E-mail: dmhxplt@163.com


We sincerely welcome experts and scholars from various countries to attend this conference.

Registration Return Receipt  Download




Now, we have started to solicit the papers from relevant units and experts on various regions, such as agricultural chemicals in ASEAN countries, scholars engaged in research, production, application and environmental toxicology of agricultural chemicals.

The main contents of the paper: New Thinking, New Varieties and New Methods of research on agricultural chemicals; Research on synthesis technology, improvement of production process, treatment of three wastes and analysis methods; Study on the processing technology, application and dosage form of pesticide fertilizer; Application of Biotechnology in Agricultural Research; Research on Application Technology of Pesticide Fertilizer; Study on resistance to insect and grass pests; Safety evaluation studies; Research on new equipment and apparatus for pesticide fertilizer production; Metabolism and residues of pesticides in the environment; New transferable technologies, products, etc.

Specific requirements:

  1. The paper requires clear themes, fresh ideas, rigorous structure, accurate data.The writer is responsible for the consequences of this article.
  2. The paper submitted should be written in the format required by general academic journals that includes title, author, author unit, summary; keyword and main body.
  3. Please send the papers by e-mail to: dmhxplt@163.com .

Deadline: August 1st, 2019.

Please attach your contact address, phone number (or mobile phone), fax and email so that we can arrange the meeting schedule and issue the second round of notice. Thank you for your cooperation!

Welcome to contribute!

We sincerely invite representatives of ASEAN countries to attend the conference. No registration fee!

Contact number: 86-0771-3331777


Contacts:Anran Zhao 86-13878150347;

Shiyong Huang 86-15994449095

Submission Mailbox:dmhxplt@163.com (Please remark the paper)


Paper Return Receipt Download



The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China

Chemistry and Chemical Industry Society of Guangxi

 Pesticide Professional Committee of CIESC

Fertilizer Professional Committee of CIESC

Guangxi University for Nationalities

26 June 2019